Know who we are?
At DIATOZ we create an environment that enables the openness and encouragement to bold new ideas and suggestions, Inspirations for new product development initiatives. In a way, it won’t be wrong to say that we are technology independent, Domain-Independent, whatever it is in the world of IT we have always picked up and challenged ourselves which today makes us proud to have expertise on Several services. Our employees are our most precious assets, and the enriched Diversity of individual perspectives and contributions in our team are equally proportional to our success. Employee's mission, Core Values, Purpose, and opinion dictates the work culture at DIATOZ

Why Should You Join?
When we choose to join a company it’s a very important question to ask yourself, ”What’s in it for me?(WIIFM)”, Does the company vision & values align with the career you would wish to pursue?
We’ll make this decision really easy for you. Unlike the so-called “CORPORATES” in the IT World, Being in DIATOZ, your hard work is always noticed and applauded, and if not honest and constructive feedback that helps the beginners sculpt their career in the right direction, here we also experience and cherish the diversity of cultures catering to an environment of Approachability and Openness. An Intern's inclusion in the project is as much as a senior developer that boosts up the learning curve of every individual and you can see them proving themselves wrong and doing what they never knew was possible. The best part of being at DIATOZ is one making mistakes is much encouraged than the ones not experimenting, here every day is a challenge to learn something new and constant encouragement and support to do so, and never does anyone get a no for an answer when they seek guidance.

How we work
“All work and no play makes DIATOZIANS a bunch of zombies". We believe in striking a balance between work and fun, and when it comes to fun, what defines DIATOZ the best is “Work hard, Party Harder”. To keep the fun going we do a lot of Team building activities, Outings, Dining out, Indoor and outdoor games, and the list goes on and on.

We believe in empowering our team and come out of their comfort zones to unravel the whole new challenges they see as the career advances. We had taken this initiative to inculcate the “Public speaking” skill in every individual. By taking this step we couldn’t believe the overwhelming results, upon seeing a 360° change in the confidence and motivation levels of the individuals who were struggling to do an introduction on their Day 1, they were now able to engage a huge audience and amaze them with their words. This was one such example, we do a lot of sessions to help the employees grow functionally and technically.